
Anne rice the feast of all saints movie
Anne rice the feast of all saints movie

anne rice the feast of all saints movie

Even if the poor kid had any acting skills, the scene is completely unbelievable. She delivered it with about as much believability and passion as you could expect from an non-actor kid that had been repeating the line for the cameras all day. Even a totally idiot would know he is dead! Yet she is-very monotonously-repeating over and over "Daddy, daddy." while looking at someone off-screen. Who in Real Life Would Ever Behave this Way?! The most ridiculous bit of writing, directing and casting is actually the focus of the scene: A little girl is standing under the dead body of her hanging father-who is terribly mutilated, and literally dripping blood form his gaping wounds. You almost expect someone like Will Ferrell and Mike Myers to ride up on a horse and deliver the punchline.

anne rice the feast of all saints movie

This whole battle scene comes off as the spoof of a really cheesy war movie.

anne rice the feast of all saints movie

The blood on battle victims is so excessive and carelessly applied it looks like someone used a ketchup dispenser and just squirted straight lines of red on the costumes. Everyone plays their death scene like 4th grade boys-exaggerating every little gasp and twitch. It looks like a Saturday Night Live skit!! You can see extras waiting for their cues to walk across camera. Excessive Gore in a Very Fake, Silly Battle Scene There are so many dead people in the most fake battle scene. In one scene, a character is yelling "Take your hands off of me" and NO ONE is touching him! The most badly directed scene however, is the incredibly over-the-top battle scene at the beginning of the film. What was the Director Thinking? The directing is equally bad! The forced and overly deliberate style feels amateurish. Not at all the way people talk to each other. Why bother to use this title if you never intend to including any kind of storyline or theme about "All Souls Day" or the "Feast of All Saints"? Embarrassly Bad Script & Amateur Writing How did they attract such great talent to this clunker? The writing is so amateur-characters that have known each other all their life go into big long speeches about their life history for the sake of the audience. "Feast of All Saints?" Where.? When.? Was the Feast of All Saints storyline and theme edited out? What a waste of a wonderful title! There is never anything in the story that has the remotest connection to the "Feast of All Saints." Nor is there anything in the story about "All Souls Day" which the term is referencing.

Anne rice the feast of all saints movie